Cenforce Tablets: A Single Pill to Beat Erectile Dysfunction



If you are unable to maintain a long-lasting erection, then no need to worry because now you have cenforce tablets to beat all blood flow related issues. Along with erectile dysfunction(ED), it also treats pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), and premature ejaculation. It belongs to the pharmaceutical group of phosphodiesterase type 5(PDE 5).


Cenforce tablets remain the number one choice for males due to their effectiveness and affordability. To get better results, improvise your lifestyle to remove issues like stress, anxiety, or obesity that affect sexual health. Add physical exercise to your daily routine.


All about cenforce tablets’ functioning


The action-taking element of cenforce tablets is sildenafil citrate. It works by removing the blockages in between the passage of the brain and the nerves if found. This calms down the smooth muscles of the blood vessels which in turn increases the blood supply.


To treat PAH: do you get tired quickly while exercising? Then PAH might be the possible reason. It is the result of high blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries which causes symptoms like dizziness, uneasy breathing, fatigue, and difficulty in exercising. Cenforce tablets relax the pulmonary arteries that increase blood flow.


To treat ED: it inhibits the release of nitric oxide(NO) which increases the supply of blood to the penis.


What are the criteria for dose consumption of cenforce 100mg?


You can find cenforce tablets in 3 strengths available in the market that are 200mg, 150mg, and 100mg.


The dose starts working only when you are sexually aroused.


Consider taking it 30-45 minutes before the planned intercourse. The best time of consumption is one hour before the intercourse.


To treat ED: the doctor prescribes the dose of cenforce 100mg. Do not exceed this limit.


To treat PAH: consider taking a dose of 20mg in three equal doses per day. Keep the gap in between the doses of 4-6 hours.


It is not recommended for males above 64 years.


Are cenforce fm tablets completely safe?


The appropriate use of cenforce fm tablets is safe but its improper intake can lead to the following side effects:




       Burning while urinating

       Troublesome breathing

       Dryness in mouth

       Numb limbs

       Short-term hearing issues

       Penile structural deformity

       Nausea and diarrhea

       Flushing: reddening of the face or skin

       Running nose

       A painful erection lasting for long


If these side effects become severe they can lead to organ sensitivity. Consult your doctor to avoid adverse circumstances before they become severe.


Important considerations regarding cenforce soft tablets


       Avoid alcohol intake to prevent reducing blood pressure.

       Any improper or inadequate dose of cenforce soft tablets can cause sickle cell anemia.

       Exempt yourself from this medication if you are surviving peptic ulcers, and kidney or liver disorders.

       Being a patient of Peyronie’s disease, a painful erection can last for more than 4 hours. This can harm the penile tissues making a change in its structure. In severe cases, you can lose your potency permanently.


Buy Now - https://edmedplus.com/product-category/cenforce-tablets/


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